
Global Standards and Social Media

Date: November 6, 2012, 3:00-4:00

Place: Room 308E, PAB, AUA

Presented by Karen Bartleson

In today’s world, there are two significant trends that are shaping the way people do business. Global standardization is helping emerging and mature economies to build upon advancements such as WiFi, the Smart Grid, and the Internet. Social media is becoming increasing important for businesses to engage their customers with more authenticity and two-way communication than traditional marketing. Karen Bartleson, Senior Director of Community Marketing at Synopsys, will describe these two trends and the impact they are having on modern society.


Karen Bartleson is member of top management in a world leader in electronic design automation “Synopsys” and is a senior director of community marketing. She coordinates a number of strategic areas, being important for “Synopsys”, including worldwide university programs with about 1400 world famous universities, including Stanford, Berkley, etc. She is heading several prominent organizations, including IEEE Standards Association. She is the author of “The Ten Commandments for Effective Standards” book, published in popular Amazon in 2010 and enjoying readers’ great interest around the world. For her 30-year fruitful activity in 2003 Karen Bartleson was honored to be the recipient of the Marie R. Pistilli Women in Design Automation Achievement Award in 2003.